
Patient News

GP's are on your Side

GPs want the same things that you do. 

But the past decade has seen government policy break General practice. 

  • England's GP practice have £660million less today than they did 5 years ago. 
  • Over 1300 practices were lost
  • 2000 fewer GP's to care for you.

We want to offer you what you want, the same familiar faces, with a family GP who knows you and knows your family and who you can trust. 

Please watch this short video. 

GPs want the same things that you do. 

But the past decade has seen government policy break General practice. 

  • England's GP practice have £660million less today than they did 5 years ago. 
  • Over 1300 practices were lost
  • 2000 fewer GP's to care for you.

We want to offer you what you want, the same familiar faces, with a family GP who knows you and knows your family and who you can trust. 

Please watch this short video. 

RSV Vaccination Programme

You may have heard about the new NHS RSV Vaccination programme. 

This vaccination is available for free to those who turn 75 on or after the 1st September 2024 or those already aged 75-79 on the 1st September 2024. 

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is an infectious disease of the airways and lungs. RSV infection often causes symptoms similar to a cold, including cough, sore throat, sneezing and runny or blocked nose. If you would like to find out more please click here.

We will be sending you an invitation to book in for your vaccination. 


You may have heard about the new NHS RSV Vaccination programme. 

This vaccination is available for free to those who turn 75 on or after the 1st September 2024 or those already aged 75-79 on the 1st September 2024. 

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is an infectious disease of the airways and lungs. RSV infection often causes symptoms similar to a cold, including cough, sore throat, sneezing and runny or blocked nose. If you would like to find out more please click here.

We will be sending you an invitation to book in for your vaccination. 


Alzheimers' Singing for the Brain

Alzheimers' Singing for the Brain

Held every second Tuesday of each month

Event: Alzheimer's Singing for the Brain

Date: 2nd Tuesday of each month

Time: 10.30am to 12.00 noon

Location: Mountbatten Grange, Helston Lane Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GG


Alzheimers' Singing for the Brain

Held every second Tuesday of each month

Event: Alzheimer's Singing for the Brain

Date: 2nd Tuesday of each month

Time: 10.30am to 12.00 noon

Location: Mountbatten Grange, Helston Lane Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GG


Safe Space 4 All

Sheet Street Surgery are very proud to be part of the Safe Space 4 All campaign in conjunction with #windsoretonpride

The objective of the scheme it to demonstrate to everyone in our local communities that they are included, welcome and safe at the surgery.

For more information please visit https://www.windsorpride.co.uk/

Sheet Street Surgery are very proud to be part of the Safe Space 4 All campaign in conjunction with #windsoretonpride

The objective of the scheme it to demonstrate to everyone in our local communities that they are included, welcome and safe at the surgery.

For more information please visit https://www.windsorpride.co.uk/

Fibromyalgia Support Group

A Support group is running every second Wednesday of the month - please click here for more information. 


A Support group is running every second Wednesday of the month - please click here for more information. 

Carers Health Bus

Carers Health Bus

Coming to Windsor on Friday 14th June 2024 between 2.30pm and 5pm

Located at Tesco's Superstore in Dedworth Road.

Where you can find out about local support available.

Carers play such a huge and significant role in supporting other, however, many are unpaid and often don't recognise themselves in a caring role.

ICS partners are working together to raise awareness, where carers can fine out about local support available.

RBWM carers-hub for more information 


Carers Health Bus

Coming to Windsor on Friday 14th June 2024 between 2.30pm and 5pm

Located at Tesco's Superstore in Dedworth Road.

Where you can find out about local support available.

Carers play such a huge and significant role in supporting other, however, many are unpaid and often don't recognise themselves in a caring role.

ICS partners are working together to raise awareness, where carers can fine out about local support available.

RBWM carers-hub for more information 


4 Jun, 2024
1 May, 2024
May is Melanoma Awareness Month

Please visit the below to find out more about Melanoma and to find support and information. 

Support - Melanoma Focus

Please visit the below to find out more about Melanoma and to find support and information. 

Support - Melanoma Focus

Autism 360

This is a private private specialist autism assessment, diagnosis and support clinic, run by clinical experts in autism and wider neurodiversity. 

For further information please click here. 

This is a private private specialist autism assessment, diagnosis and support clinic, run by clinical experts in autism and wider neurodiversity. 

For further information please click here. 

29 Mar, 2024
13 Mar, 2024
Stop Smoking Day
Digital Drop in Sessions

The surgery are hosting with our Patient Participation Group a Digital drop in session. 

Please come along. 

The surgery are hosting with our Patient Participation Group a Digital drop in session. 

Please come along. 

Think Pharmacy First

Community pharmacies can offer treatment for seven common conditions without patients needing to see a GP, as part of a major transformation in the way the NHS delivers care. 

Highly trained pharmacists at more than nine in ten pharmacies can now assess and treat patients for

  • earache,
  • impetigo,
  • infected insect bites,
  • shingles,
  • sinusitis,
  • sore throat,
  • urinary tract infections (UTIs) for women aged 16-64 - without the need for a GP appointment.

Available on the high-street, community pharmacy teams have the right clinical training to give people the health advice they need, with no appointment necessary and private consultations available. 

Community pharmacists will signpost patients to other local services where necessary. 

By expanding the services community pharmacies offer, the NHS is aiming to help free up GP appointments and give people more choice in how and where they access care. 

Don't wait for minor health concerns to get worse – think pharmacy first and get seen by your local pharmacy team. For more information, visit nhs.uk/thinkpharmacyfirst

For further information please visit our clinic page


Community pharmacies can offer treatment for seven common conditions without patients needing to see a GP, as part of a major transformation in the way the NHS delivers care. 

Highly trained pharmacists at more than nine in ten pharmacies can now assess and treat patients for

  • earache,
  • impetigo,
  • infected insect bites,
  • shingles,
  • sinusitis,
  • sore throat,
  • urinary tract infections (UTIs) for women aged 16-64 - without the need for a GP appointment.

Available on the high-street, community pharmacy teams have the right clinical training to give people the health advice they need, with no appointment necessary and private consultations available. 

Community pharmacists will signpost patients to other local services where necessary. 

By expanding the services community pharmacies offer, the NHS is aiming to help free up GP appointments and give people more choice in how and where they access care. 

Don't wait for minor health concerns to get worse – think pharmacy first and get seen by your local pharmacy team. For more information, visit nhs.uk/thinkpharmacyfirst

For further information please visit our clinic page


Check you Test results on the NHS App.

The easiest and quickest way of checking your GP test results and your health record is on the NHS App! Avoid the queues on the phones, and access the free, secure NHS App 24/7!

The easiest and quickest way of checking your GP test results and your health record is on the NHS App! Avoid the queues on the phones, and access the free, secure NHS App 24/7!

5 Feb, 2024
31 Jan, 2024
When was your last inhaler review?

Please book in for your inhaler review. You will receive a message from the surgery in your birthday month to come in for your Asthma review. 

Please book in for your inhaler review. You will receive a message from the surgery in your birthday month to come in for your Asthma review. 

Working together for a Greener NHS

In October 2020, the NHS became the world’s first health service to commit to reaching carbon net zero, in response to the profound and growing threat to health posed by climate change. The “Delivering a Net Zero Health Service” report sets out a clear ambition and two evidence-based targets. Thanks to NHS people, partners, and suppliers, we’re already on the way to building a greener NHS. One year on from setting out these targets, the NHS has reduced its emissions equivalent to powering 1.1 million homes annually. Together, we can achieve even more.

In October 2020, the NHS became the world’s first health service to commit to reaching carbon net zero, in response to the profound and growing threat to health posed by climate change. The “Delivering a Net Zero Health Service” report sets out a clear ambition and two evidence-based targets. Thanks to NHS people, partners, and suppliers, we’re already on the way to building a greener NHS. One year on from setting out these targets, the NHS has reduced its emissions equivalent to powering 1.1 million homes annually. Together, we can achieve even more.

31 Jan, 2024
23 Jan, 2024
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

Did you know together, we can end cervical cancer? The UK has the tools to make cervical cancer a thing of the past, but we need government commitment. 

This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and we’re supporting Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust to raise awareness of cervical cancer, encourage uptake of the HPV vaccination and cervical screening, and asking UK Government to prioritise cervical cancer. Prioritising 
cervical cancer as a health policy, committing to eliminating cervical cancer, and to developing a holistic strategy that improves and supports the cancer prevention programmes, can help stop cervical cancer. 

You can play your part too. Get involved, show support on social media, tell your friends, go for screening. Join the campaign: www.jostrust.org.uk/ccpw 

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity. It provides information and support to anyone affected and campaigns for excellence in cervical cancer treatment, care and prevention. Its national Helpline is free, confidential and on 0808 802 8000

To book your Cervical Screening (Smear Test) please contact the Surgery. 

Did you know together, we can end cervical cancer? The UK has the tools to make cervical cancer a thing of the past, but we need government commitment. 

This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and we’re supporting Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust to raise awareness of cervical cancer, encourage uptake of the HPV vaccination and cervical screening, and asking UK Government to prioritise cervical cancer. Prioritising 
cervical cancer as a health policy, committing to eliminating cervical cancer, and to developing a holistic strategy that improves and supports the cancer prevention programmes, can help stop cervical cancer. 

You can play your part too. Get involved, show support on social media, tell your friends, go for screening. Join the campaign: www.jostrust.org.uk/ccpw 

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity. It provides information and support to anyone affected and campaigns for excellence in cervical cancer treatment, care and prevention. Its national Helpline is free, confidential and on 0808 802 8000

To book your Cervical Screening (Smear Test) please contact the Surgery. 

Early Years Speech and Language Enquiries Line.
18 Nov, 2023
Antibiotics Awareness

Antibiotics are essential medicines for treating bacterial infections in both humans and animals. 

Antibiotics are losing their effectiveness at an increasing rate. 

Bacteria can adapt and find ways to survive the effects of an antibiotic. They become ‘antibiotic resistant’ so that the antibiotic no longer works. The more you use an antibiotic, the more bacteria become resistant to it. 

Antibiotics should be taken as prescribed, never saved for later or shared with others; it is important we use antibiotics in the right way, the right drug, at the right dose, at the right time for the right duration. Appropriate use of antibiotics will slow down the development of antibiotic resistance. 

There are very few new antibiotics in the development pipeline, which is why it is important we use our existing antibiotics wisely and make sure these life-saving medicines continue to stay effective for us, our children and grandchildren. 

For more information please visit: Antibiotic_Awareness_Key_messages_2019.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Antibiotics are essential medicines for treating bacterial infections in both humans and animals. 

Antibiotics are losing their effectiveness at an increasing rate. 

Bacteria can adapt and find ways to survive the effects of an antibiotic. They become ‘antibiotic resistant’ so that the antibiotic no longer works. The more you use an antibiotic, the more bacteria become resistant to it. 

Antibiotics should be taken as prescribed, never saved for later or shared with others; it is important we use antibiotics in the right way, the right drug, at the right dose, at the right time for the right duration. Appropriate use of antibiotics will slow down the development of antibiotic resistance. 

There are very few new antibiotics in the development pipeline, which is why it is important we use our existing antibiotics wisely and make sure these life-saving medicines continue to stay effective for us, our children and grandchildren. 

For more information please visit: Antibiotic_Awareness_Key_messages_2019.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

NEW Slough Urgent Care Centre

We are excited to announce the new Slough Urgent Care Centre is now open for anyone with a minor illness who needs same-day treatment.

The Slough Urgent Care Centre in Priors Close is open 8am-8pm seven days a week, providing booked and walk-in urgent care for patients who do not require treatment in the emergency department.

The urgent care centre is for minor illnesses such as chest infections, skin infections, or urinary tract infections.

Patients, including children, will be able to access and book ahead through their GP practice. You can also call 111 or walk in and be given a booked appointment (you can then choose to sit and wait or come back at the appointment time).

The service can be accessed Monday to Sunday: 8am – 8pm:

  • By calling your GP practice (patients must be registered with a Slough GP practice)
  • Through NHS 111 online or by telephone (any patient)
  • Walk in and be given a booked appointment (option to sit and wait or come back at the appointment time)



We are excited to announce the new Slough Urgent Care Centre is now open for anyone with a minor illness who needs same-day treatment.

The Slough Urgent Care Centre in Priors Close is open 8am-8pm seven days a week, providing booked and walk-in urgent care for patients who do not require treatment in the emergency department.

The urgent care centre is for minor illnesses such as chest infections, skin infections, or urinary tract infections.

Patients, including children, will be able to access and book ahead through their GP practice. You can also call 111 or walk in and be given a booked appointment (you can then choose to sit and wait or come back at the appointment time).

The service can be accessed Monday to Sunday: 8am – 8pm:

  • By calling your GP practice (patients must be registered with a Slough GP practice)
  • Through NHS 111 online or by telephone (any patient)
  • Walk in and be given a booked appointment (option to sit and wait or come back at the appointment time)



23 Nov, 2023
14 Nov, 2023
Here to Help

If you are struggling with:

  • Energy and water costs
  • Food & daily essentials
  • Council tax
  • Debt
  • Childcare & school meals
  • Housing costs

Visit our Here to Help hub for more information: https://rbwmtogether.rbwm.gov.uk/hub-page/ here-to-help or visit your local library.

If you are struggling with:

  • Energy and water costs
  • Food & daily essentials
  • Council tax
  • Debt
  • Childcare & school meals
  • Housing costs

Visit our Here to Help hub for more information: https://rbwmtogether.rbwm.gov.uk/hub-page/ here-to-help or visit your local library.

Breathe Easy asthma Webinars

The NHS are offering webinars for help improve your asthma knowlegde for children and young people.

These are being held the last Tuesday of every month at 1pm on Microsoft teams. 

To sign up follow the below link or use the QR code in the poster above. 

Breathe Easy - Asthma Webinars for children and Young people and their Families (office.com)

The NHS are offering webinars for help improve your asthma knowlegde for children and young people.

These are being held the last Tuesday of every month at 1pm on Microsoft teams. 

To sign up follow the below link or use the QR code in the poster above. 

Breathe Easy - Asthma Webinars for children and Young people and their Families (office.com)

31 Oct, 2023
18 Sep, 2023
National Breastfeeding Week

National Breastfeeding week is running 18th-24th September - for support and information please visit Breastfeeding - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

It's #NationalBreastfeedingWeek, and everyone has a part to play. 

The new Amazon Alexa Breastfeeding Friend support tool is available. Get a personal Feeding Guide and NHS-approved advice 24/7 to help answer all your breastfeeding questions.  

There are many ways you can get support with breastfeeding. 

Health visitors, midwives, peer supporters, helplines, grandparents 

Call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212.

As always a happy baby isn't just a fed baby. Every cuddle, smile and interaction counts, for you and your baby. 

National Breastfeeding week is running 18th-24th September - for support and information please visit Breastfeeding - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

It's #NationalBreastfeedingWeek, and everyone has a part to play. 

The new Amazon Alexa Breastfeeding Friend support tool is available. Get a personal Feeding Guide and NHS-approved advice 24/7 to help answer all your breastfeeding questions.  

There are many ways you can get support with breastfeeding. 

Health visitors, midwives, peer supporters, helplines, grandparents 

Call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212.

As always a happy baby isn't just a fed baby. Every cuddle, smile and interaction counts, for you and your baby. 

Stoptober - Help to quite smoking

We’re delighted to share that Stoptober is back this October with a new national campaign designed to encourage and support smokers to quit for good. While smoking rates have declined in recent years, over 5 million people in England still smoke and it remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death. Since its inception in 2012, Stoptober has successfully helped 2.5 million smokers to make a quit attempt and has become a well-recognised annual event in the public health calendar.

For further help and information and to download the NHS Quite Smoking app please visit: 

Quit smoking this Stoptober - Better Health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

We’re delighted to share that Stoptober is back this October with a new national campaign designed to encourage and support smokers to quit for good. While smoking rates have declined in recent years, over 5 million people in England still smoke and it remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death. Since its inception in 2012, Stoptober has successfully helped 2.5 million smokers to make a quit attempt and has become a well-recognised annual event in the public health calendar.

For further help and information and to download the NHS Quite Smoking app please visit: 

Quit smoking this Stoptober - Better Health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

20 Sep, 2023
9 Aug, 2023
Protect your child against Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR)

The MMR vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine.

It protects against 3 serious illnesses:

These highly infectious conditions can easily spread between unvaccinated people.

Getting vaccinated is important, as these conditions can also lead to serious problems including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy.

2 doses of the MMR vaccine provide the best protection against measles, mumps and rubella.

For further information please visit MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

The MMR vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine.

It protects against 3 serious illnesses:

These highly infectious conditions can easily spread between unvaccinated people.

Getting vaccinated is important, as these conditions can also lead to serious problems including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy.

2 doses of the MMR vaccine provide the best protection against measles, mumps and rubella.

For further information please visit MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

How you make a complaint about primary care services has changed

There are two ways people can make a complaint about GPs, dentists, opticians or pharmacies:

o They can complain to the healthcare provider: this is the organisation where they received the NHS service, for example a GP practice, a dental practice, a community pharmacy or an optometry practice or

o They can complain to the commissioner of the service: this is the organisation that paid for the service or care they received.

After 1 July 2023 if people want to make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner, the way to do this is changing. Rather than contacting NHS England, people will contact the Complaints team via new contact details below:

South East Complaints Hub

NHS Frimley ICB

Aldershot Centre for Health

Hospital Hill 



GU11 1AY

Phone number: 0300 561 0290 

Email address: frimleyicb.southeastcomplaints@nhs.net

As each email received is so important to the team, an acknowledgement to all complaints will be sent as soon as possible.

Information governance regulations mean that the emails sent to the old email address after 1 July, cannot be automatically forwarded and the inbox will not be accessible. People will therefore receive an automatic response, asking them to resend their email to the new address.

Members of the public with ongoing complaints received after 1 July 2022 will receive a letter from NHS England informing them that the Complaints team based in the South East Complaints Hub, hosted by NHS Frimley ICB will now be handling their complaint with confirmation of their case handler. We would like to reassure you that the current team and case handler will remain the same as the staff move organisation.

Members of the public will still be able to make a complaint to the provider. This is NOT changing. There is also no change for people wishing to make a complaint for specialised services, health and justice, screening and immunisations and Continuing Healthcare.

There are two ways people can make a complaint about GPs, dentists, opticians or pharmacies:

o They can complain to the healthcare provider: this is the organisation where they received the NHS service, for example a GP practice, a dental practice, a community pharmacy or an optometry practice or

o They can complain to the commissioner of the service: this is the organisation that paid for the service or care they received.

After 1 July 2023 if people want to make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner, the way to do this is changing. Rather than contacting NHS England, people will contact the Complaints team via new contact details below:

South East Complaints Hub

NHS Frimley ICB

Aldershot Centre for Health

Hospital Hill 



GU11 1AY

Phone number: 0300 561 0290 

Email address: frimleyicb.southeastcomplaints@nhs.net

As each email received is so important to the team, an acknowledgement to all complaints will be sent as soon as possible.

Information governance regulations mean that the emails sent to the old email address after 1 July, cannot be automatically forwarded and the inbox will not be accessible. People will therefore receive an automatic response, asking them to resend their email to the new address.

Members of the public with ongoing complaints received after 1 July 2022 will receive a letter from NHS England informing them that the Complaints team based in the South East Complaints Hub, hosted by NHS Frimley ICB will now be handling their complaint with confirmation of their case handler. We would like to reassure you that the current team and case handler will remain the same as the staff move organisation.

Members of the public will still be able to make a complaint to the provider. This is NOT changing. There is also no change for people wishing to make a complaint for specialised services, health and justice, screening and immunisations and Continuing Healthcare.

4 Aug, 2023
18 Aug, 2023
NHS App: A More Secure and Reliable Way to Receive Messages from Your Surgery

Please click the link below to download the NHS App.

NHS App | www.nhs.uk

Please click the link below to download the NHS App.

NHS App | www.nhs.uk

New Phone System launching 17th August.

We are excited to announce we have a new phone system being installed at the surgery on the 17th August. 

We hope this system will improve your patient experience when contacting the surgery.

Please remember the system will be new to our staff, and although they will all have received new training there is nothing quite like learning on the job! 

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to continue to use our e-consult tool for any medical or administrative issues. 

We appreciate your patience while we switch over, and we welcome any feedback.

We are excited to announce we have a new phone system being installed at the surgery on the 17th August. 

We hope this system will improve your patient experience when contacting the surgery.

Please remember the system will be new to our staff, and although they will all have received new training there is nothing quite like learning on the job! 

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to continue to use our e-consult tool for any medical or administrative issues. 

We appreciate your patience while we switch over, and we welcome any feedback.

15 Aug, 2023

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

After you download the app, you will need to set up an NHS login and prove who you are. The app then securely connects to information from your GP surgery.

Entire registration process is done on the app, there is no need to visit the practice.

If your device supports fingerprint detection or facial recognition, you can use it to log in to the NHS App each time, instead of using a password and security code.

Use NHS app to:

  • Book and manage appointments at your GP practice
  • Securely view your GP medical record. Click here for further information.
  • Order your repeat prescriptions
  • Check your symptoms, get instant advice, and more

The NHS App is available on iOS and Android:


You can also access your NHS account using the NHS website.

To have an NHS account, you must be aged 13 or over and registered with a GP surgery in England.

For additional information and support visit the NHS App website.

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

After you download the app, you will need to set up an NHS login and prove who you are. The app then securely connects to information from your GP surgery.

Entire registration process is done on the app, there is no need to visit the practice.

If your device supports fingerprint detection or facial recognition, you can use it to log in to the NHS App each time, instead of using a password and security code.

Use NHS app to:

  • Book and manage appointments at your GP practice
  • Securely view your GP medical record. Click here for further information.
  • Order your repeat prescriptions
  • Check your symptoms, get instant advice, and more

The NHS App is available on iOS and Android:


You can also access your NHS account using the NHS website.

To have an NHS account, you must be aged 13 or over and registered with a GP surgery in England.

For additional information and support visit the NHS App website.

New Website

Welcome to Sheet Street Surgery's new website, we hope you will find it informative, useful and we welcome your feedback about it. We will try to keep it up to date as possible with surgery changes such as new patient services available to you, COVID changes, vaccine news and latest news.

Welcome to Sheet Street Surgery's new website, we hope you will find it informative, useful and we welcome your feedback about it. We will try to keep it up to date as possible with surgery changes such as new patient services available to you, COVID changes, vaccine news and latest news.

Dr Carolyn Robertshaw – Retiring in July

The doctors and staff at Sheet Street surgery are very sad to announce that one of our longest serving Partners – Carolyn Robertshaw will be retiring at the end of July.   

Carolyn has served the NHS for over 38 years and dedicated 21 of these years to working as a partner at Sheet Street surgery. Carolyn will be very much missed by both her colleagues and patients. 

Carolyn plans to continue a role in medical education and mentoring newly qualified GPs, as well as pursuing her interest in global health. 

I am sure you would like to join us in thanking Carolyn for all her hard work and commitment and in wishing her all the very best for her future plans. 

In order to express our thanks, we will be compiling a book of “thank you” messages from patients at the surgery. Please feel free to visit the surgery and either leave a best wishes card which we will include in this book, or to sign the book and leave your personal message. The book will be available at our reception desk. 

Many thanks 

Katy Spicer 

Operations Manager

The doctors and staff at Sheet Street surgery are very sad to announce that one of our longest serving Partners – Carolyn Robertshaw will be retiring at the end of July.   

Carolyn has served the NHS for over 38 years and dedicated 21 of these years to working as a partner at Sheet Street surgery. Carolyn will be very much missed by both her colleagues and patients. 

Carolyn plans to continue a role in medical education and mentoring newly qualified GPs, as well as pursuing her interest in global health. 

I am sure you would like to join us in thanking Carolyn for all her hard work and commitment and in wishing her all the very best for her future plans. 

In order to express our thanks, we will be compiling a book of “thank you” messages from patients at the surgery. Please feel free to visit the surgery and either leave a best wishes card which we will include in this book, or to sign the book and leave your personal message. The book will be available at our reception desk. 

Many thanks 

Katy Spicer 

Operations Manager